HC Deb 03 July 1974 vol 876 c195W
Mr. Skeet

asked the Secretary of State for Energy, of the total number of drilling rigs on order or under construction required for offshore exploration in the North or Celtic Seas, what percentage are to be built or are being built in (a) the United Kingdom, (b) European yards, and (c) elsewhere.

Mr. Strang

It is not possible to state how many of the drilling rigs on order or under construction will be operating in the North Sea or Celtic Sea. Drilling rigs are mobile and move from one location to another according to the commercial decisions of the rig owners. At March 1974 there were 121 rigs on order or under construction world-wide, of which approximately 3 per cent. were to be built or were being built in the United Kingdom, 30 per cent. in European yards and 67 per cent. elsewhere. At least 10 of these rigs are known to be destined for operations in United Kingdom waters.

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