HC Deb 24 October 1973 vol 861 c497W
Mr. Faulds

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland whether he raises any objection, and if so in what terms, to the trustees of the National Galleries of Scotland having recourse to a judgment of the Court of Session in the matter of the propriety of varying the written undertaking given by their predecessors to the executors of Mr. Henry Vaughan, having regard to the fact that if the undertaking in question had not been given the works of art to which it related would not have gone to a Scottish national institution.

Mr. Gordon Campbell

The question of raising issues in the court in relation to matters which concern them is for the trustees themselves to decide.

As I explained in answer to my hon. Friend the Member for Edinburgh, South (Mr. Clark Hutchison) on Friday 19th October, however, it is no longer proposed to vary any of the provisions of Mr. Henry Vaughan's will of 1887 by an order under the Museums and Galleries Admission Charges Act 1972.— [Vol. 861, c. 340–41.]