HC Deb 05 December 1973 vol 865 cc412-3W
Mr. Waddington

asked the Secretary of State for Education and Science how many pupils are attending independent schools within the area covered by the Lancashire Education Authority.

Mr. Raison

In January 1973, 6,638 were attending full-time and 188 part-time.

Mr. Deakins

asked the Secretary of State for Education and Science if she will list the standards for recognition of independent schools as efficient ; and how these differ from the standards for maintained schools.

Mr. Raison

I am sending the hon. Member a copy of the conditions upon which independent schools are recognised as efficient. Because of the great variety of independent schools the efficiency of

Period of appointment Annual Salary
The Rt. Hon. Viscount Eccles, K.C.V.O., (Chairman) (part-time) 4 years from 3rd December 1973 5,000
Dr. H. T. Hookway, (Chief Executive and Deputy Chairman) 7 years from (full-time) 7 years from 1st April 1973 10,250
Members (part-time) :
The Rt. Hon. Lord Adeane, G.C.B., G.C.V O. 3 years from 1st April 1973 1,000
Dr. J.W. Barrett, C.B.E.
Mr. John Brown, C.B.E.
Dr. G. Chandler
Dr. A. N. L. Munby
Mrs. Alison Munro. C.B.E.
Dr. A. E. Ritchie
Mr. J. S. Watson
Professor Glanmor Williams

Personal allowances are not paid. Travelling, subsistence and reasonable hospitality expenses incurred directly on the business of the board are reimbursed from board funds.

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