HC Deb 29 November 1971 vol 827 cc13-4W
Miss Quennell

asked the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry what sums have been received by him in respect of licences granted to search, bore and get mineral deposits in the United Kingdom since June 1970.

Mr. Ridley

£11,000, by way of application fees and annual payments.

Miss Quennell

asked the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry how many licences to search, bore and get mineral deposits in areas of outstanding natural beauty and national parks he has granted since June, 1970.

Mr. Ridley

Eighteen licences have been issued covering territory some of which is in such areas.

Miss Quennell

asked the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry how many licences to search, bore, and get mineral deposits in the United Kingdom he has granted since June, 1970; and if he will list the names of those to whom such licences have been granted and the mineral in which they are interested.

Mr. Ridley

In this country most minerals are privately owned and exploration rights and granted by the owner. I grant licences to search for petroleum. Thirty licences to search, bore for and get petroleum including natural gas have been granted to the following companies either individually or in groups.

  • Trend Exploration (U.K.) Limited.
  • Bralorne Exploration (Canada) Limited.
  • Peninsula Petroleum (G.B.) Limited.
  • Western Warner (U.K.) Limited.
  • Texas Western (U.K.) Limited.
  • Anco Exploration (U.K.) Limited.
  • Teck Resources (U.K.) Limited.
  • Consolidated Oil & Gas (U.K.) Limited.
  • Texaco North Sea U.K. Limited.
  • Ultramar Exploration Limited.

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