HL Deb 24 March 1971 vol 316 cc981-2WA

asked Her Majesty's Government:

Under what current legislation the Home Secretary may deport someone if deportation is conducive to the public good; how many times this power has been used each year since the legislation was passed; and whether they will publish brief details of each instance.


The power is conferred by Article 20(2)(b) of the Aliens Order, 1953. As regards the second and third parts of the Question, information is available only for the last 10 years:

Year No. of Orders
1961 32
1962 45
1963 24
1964 22
1965 24
1966 8
1967 14
1968 15
1969 9
1970 16
Total 209
Reasons for Orders No. of Orders
Criminal convictions 117
Breaches of Aliens Order 62
Miscellaneous, including personal undesirability 24
Danger to national security 6