HC Deb 26 March 1970 vol 798 cc521-2W
Mr. Ashton

asked the Minister for the Civil Service whether he will make a statement about the implementation of the remaining salary increases recommended for the chairmen and members of the nationalised industry boards by the National Board for Prices and Incomes in Report No. 107.

Mr. Shore

Yes. The N.B.P.1. in its Report No. 107 (Cmnd. 3970) recommended revised salaries for the Chairmen and members of nationalised industry boards and proposed that these should be introduced in three stages on 1st April, 1969, 1st April, 1970, and 1st April, 1971. In a statement of 3rd April, 1969—HANSARD; Vol. 781, c. 659–61—my right hon. Friend the First Secretary of State said that the Government accepted the salary levels recommended by the N.B.P.I. as right in principle and that they would be implemented when the requirements of incomes policy allowed; that the first

Name Appointments Salary per annum Departments
Mr. Harold Campbell 1. Deputy Chairman, Stevenage Development Corporation. £1,375 Ministry of Housing and Local Government.
2. Deputy Chairman, Housing Corporation. £2,000 Ministry of Housing and Local Government.
3. Trustee, Sutton Dwellings Trust 350 guineas Ministry of Housing and Local Government.
Sir Henry Hardman 1. Chairman, Covent Garden Market Authority. £4,375 Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food.
2. Chairman, Home Grown Cereals Authority. £3,500 Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food.
3. Member, Monopolies Commission £1,950 Department of Employment and Productivity.
Mr. F. E. Price, C.B.E., F.C.A., F.I.M.T.A. 1. Deputy Chairman, Cwmbran Development Corporation. £1,375 Welsh Office.
2. Member, Mid Wales Development Corporation. £275 Welsh Office.
3. Member, Welsh Industrial Estates Corporation. £500 Ministry of Technology.
Lord Peddie 1. Deputy Chairman, National Board for Prices and Incomes. £9,500 Department of Employment and Productivity.
2. Chairman, Agrément Board £600 Ministry of Public Building and Works.
3. Chairman, Post Office Users National Council. £1,500* Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications.
* Salary not received when serving with National Board for Prices and Incomes.

stage salary increases recommended would be paid forthwith; and that the second and third stage salary increases would be considered in the light of developments in incomes policy over the next two years.

The Government have now decided to implement the second stage salary increases on the date proposed with, however, certain adjustments within the overall limits for personal salary ranges recommended in the Report.