HC Deb 09 March 1970 vol 797 cc239-41W
Mr. Sharples

asked the Secretary of State for Education and Science if he will give a list of the boards and committees to which he appoints members other than civil servants; and if he will state the number of members serving on each such board or committee.

Mr. Edward Short

The following is a list of boards and committees to which I appoint members other than civil servants, showing the number of such members. In addition, I make appointments to a considerable number of governing bodies of schools and colleges.

6 Advisory Committee on Animals (Restriction of Importation) Act 1964.
11 Advisory Committee for Handicapped Children.
7 Advisory Committee on Mass Spectrometry.
9 Advisory Committee on Pesticides and Toxic Chemicals.
10 Advisory Committee for Scientific and Technical Information.
6 Advisory Group or Kinetic Data for High Temperature Processes.
8 Advisory Group on X-ray Crystallo-graphic Data.
3 Advisory Panel on Students Awards.
13 Agricultural Research Council.
20 Arts Council.
18 British Film Institute—Board of Governors.
5 Board of Assessors on Commonwealth Degrees.
1 Burnham Committees.
9 Business Information—Advisory Group.
18 Camping Advisory Committee.
14 Central Bureau for Educational Visits and Exchanges.
13 Central Institute for Language Teaching.‡
8 Centenary—1870—Working Party.
14 Committee on Adult Education.
19 Committee for Diploma in Management Studies.
2 Committee on Effective Use of Technical Resources.
18 Committee of Enquiry into the Education of Visually Handicapped.
7 Committee on Post Graduate Bursaries.
7 Committee on Short Course in Librarianship and Information Work.
18 Committee on Speech Therapy.*
7 Computer Board for Universities and Research Councils.
9 Consultative Committee on Research into Comprehensive Education.
22 Council for National Academic Awards.†
38 Council for Scientific Policy.
6 Documentation Processing Centre Advisory Committee.
1 Duke of Edinburgh's Award Scheme.
2 General Nursing Council.
7 Information Retrieval—Advisory Group.
15 Joint Committee for Awards in Agricultural Subjects.
26 Joint Committee in Business Studies and Public Administration.
11 Joint Committee for Higher National Certificates in Civil Engineering.
9 Joint Committee on In-Service Training.
16 Joint Committee for National Certificates and Diplomas in Building.
22 Joint Committee for National Retail Distribution Certificates.
15 Joint Committee for Ordinary National Diplomas in Nautical Science.
16 Library Advisory Council (Wales).
22 Library Advisory Council (England).
12. Medical Research Council.
9 Medlars Centre—Advisory Group.
30 National Advisory Council on Art Education.
70. National Advisory Council on Education for Industry and Commerce.
23. National Council for Educational Technology.
19. National Council for Diplomas in Art and Design.
28 National Committee for Award of Certificates in Office Studies.
14 National Film School Planning Committee.
15 Natural Environment Research Council.
20 Public Schools Commission.
16 Radioactive Substances Advisory Committee.
4 Review Committee on Export of Works of Art.
1 Schools Council.
15 Science Research Council.
15 Science Museum Advisory Council.
11 Social Science Information School.
15 Social Science Research Council.
11 South Bank Theatre Board.
11 Specialised Information Centres—Discussion Group.
21 State Studentships Selection Committee.
22 State Scholarship (Mature) Examining Board.
20 University Grants Committee.
20 Victoria and Albert Museum Advisory Committee.
6 Visiting Committee—Royal College of Art.
20 Visiting Committee—College of Aeronautics.
11 Working Group on FE Students Statistics.
10 Working Party on Non Residential Accommodation in Universities, Colleges of Education and Further Education.
28 Working Party on Teachers Training and Supply.
20 Youth Service Development Council.
3 Young Volunteers Force Foundation.
*Appointed jointly by Secretaries of State for Education and Science, Scotland, Wales and Department of Health and Social Security.
† Appointed jointly by Secretary of State for Education and Science and Secretary of State for Scotland.
‡ The chairman is jointly appointed by Secretary of State for Education and Science and Secretary of State for Scotland.

I also appoint members of the Central Advisory Councils for Education.