HC Deb 04 December 1969 vol 792 cc323-4W
40. Mr. Ashley

asked the Secretary of State for Employment and Productivity what proportion of registered disabled persons is unemployed; how this figure compares with last year's; and what proposals she has for reducing it.

Mr. Dell

On 13th October, 1969, 10.8 per cent. of registered disabled persons were registered as unemployed; the comparable figure in October, 1968 was 10.1 per cent.

I have put in hand a substantial reorganisation and strengthening of the disablement resettlement officer service, and I am considering what can be done to encourage employers to make a thorough search for jobs which can be offered to disabled workers. My Department will also be extending the inspection of the records which employers are required by law to keep in connection with their quota obligations.

Rehabilitation and training facilities will be maintained at an appropriate level, and for the more seriously disabled I shall continue the policy of providing additional sheltered employment wherever necessary and practicable.