HC Deb 07 March 1967 vol 742 cc229-30W
15. Mr. Ian Lloyd

asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer what steps have been taken by Her Majesty's Government to implement the recommendations on Her Majesty's Customs and Excise procedures in the report "Through Transport to Europe"; and whether he will make a statement.

Mr. MacDermot

Following is the list of steps taken:

Action taken towards improvement of Customs procedures, on lines recommended by the report "Through Transport to Europe" (published by the Economic Development Committee on the Movement of Exports, June 1966)

  1. 1. Customs have in hand a comprehensive study of the possibilities of applying modern machine techniques to the procedures and calculations involved in Customs clearance of imported goods.
  2. 2. Linked with this, Customs are cooperating with the major airlines in a joint study of the possible application of electronic data processing techniques to airfreight handling and clearance.
  3. 3. A "fast line" service has been introduced in London Port to expedite Customs clearance of goods imported on the short sea routes; extension to other ports is being considered.
  4. 4. A modification of the "triplicate entry" system, designed to give speedy clearance to air freight without certain disadvantages hitherto associated with that system, has been tried out experimentally at Heathrow; results are now being studied.
  5. 5. The value limit for air consignments eligible for clearance by the implified "transit shed register" procedure has been raised from £25 to £50.
  6. 6. Measures have been taken to relax both (i) the Customs checking of entry declarations and (ii) the physical examination of goods before clearance, but with due regard to the protective and revenue yielding purposes of the Tariff.
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  8. 7. New Customs Notices have been drafted, and will shortly be published, with the object of reducing delays that arise from inadequate understanding of Customs procedures and from mistakes in the entry documents presented to the Customs.
  9. 8. The procedure for ascertaining the basis of valuation of imported goods (Customs Form C. 105) is being reviewed.
  10. 9. Custom's readines to accept telex information for various purposes has been announced in the Board of Trade Journal.
  11. 10. Customs have kept themselves in touch with other countries' procedures both by normal contacts through the Customs Co-operation Council and other international bodies and by visits in recent months to Germany, Switzerland, the Netherlands and the United States.