HC Deb 14 December 1967 vol 756 cc217-8W
Mr. Ridley

asked the Minister of Transport if she will set out the proportion of expenditure on each class of road that is borne by the local authority and the central Government, respectively.

Mr. Swingler:

The central Government bears 100 per cent. of all expenditure on trunk roads (including most motorways) and pays specific capital grant at the rate of 75 per cent. towards the cost of constructing and improving principal roads, for which local highway authorities are responsible. Local authorities also receive Exchequer assistance through the rate support grant which, together with certain specific revenue grants, at present amounts to some 54 per cent. of all approved rate-borne expenditure (in eluding roads) over the country as a whole; but none of the rate support grant is centrally allocated to roads or any other specific service.