HC Deb 22 November 1961 vol 649 c141W

The purpose of the Atlantic Institute is to search for, to stimulate, to develop, and to propagate ideas and courses of action designed to unite the West and so to aid all humanity in progress toward liberty and self-government.

Some of these courses of action are as follows: providing essential technical educational and cultural assistance to the peoples of lesser developed nations; working toward a concentrated and co-ordinated programme of aid to these countries so as to increase the flow of development capital from highly industrialised nations to those now striving for the economic health that is a prerequisite to independence; working toward co-ordination of the nation al economic policies of our Governments, toward the lowering of barriers to the movement of men, capital, goods and ideas between our nations, toward joint measures for promoting vigorous economic growth, the control of inflation, and the harmonising of our financial and monetary policies and their application. Such are the recommendations which we will make to Governments and others in position of authority and influence.

Operational programmes recommending these objectives will be announced by the Director-General as they are put under way. As citizens of nations experienced in self-government enjoying relative economic abundance, and bound together by geography and history, we share certain fundamental beliefs and goals.

We believe in the worth of the individual—man's right to be himself, to live out his life in accordance with his own abilities and aspirations—his right to speak and worship as he pleases, with freedom to associate with others of like mind and heart—his right to liberty and justice under laws of his own making, administered by men of his own choosing. We recognise the persistent urge of all men to achieve such liberties as a divine spark unquenched by periodic experiments in the totalitarian management of human affairs. Man is born to be free, not a slave of the State. We recognise that all the goals of liberty and self-government can be achieved only through economic strength, physical health and education freely available to all. For in liberty under law, the people are sovereign, their leaders their elected servants.

We reaffirm our beliefs at a time when new nations share our hope and faith and when dramatic technical developments bring the stubborn urge toward freedom to the promise of a greatly expanded reality.

Recognising that the times require a closer unity among the sovereign peoples of the Atlantic Community, we have voluntarily united in the formation of the Atlantic Institute.