HC Deb 29 July 1959 vol 610 c93W
Mr. G. M. Thomson

asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies for what reasons the Government of Tanganyika have refused the request of the native local authorities who wish to raise a 1s. levy for education.

Mr. J. Amery,

pursuant to his reply [OFFICIAL REPORT, 14th May, 1959; Vol. 605, c. 164], supplied the following information:

It is open to the native authorities in Tanganyika to increase their general rates, provided other services are safeguarded, in order to cover additional expenditure on education. Requests to raise such levies have, however, in the past in general been accompanied by proposals for the abolition of school fees in primary and middle schools. The Tanganyika Government, which bears more than 70 per cent. of the total recurrent cost of these schools, has for financial reasons been unable to accept such proposals.

I would add that a levy of 1s. would be quite inadequate even to cover that part of the recurrent costs of education falling on native authorities.

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