HC Deb 28 April 1959 vol 604 cc113-4W
Mr. Mawby

asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer if he will now state what conclusion he has reached, as a result of his consideration of trade representations, about the proposed withdrawal from 1st May of the second-hand goods concession in the case of gem jewellery.

Mr. Amory

I have given very careful consideration to the representations which have been made to me by all branches of the trade, giving their assessment of the effects this measure might have on the legitimate trade in second-hand jewellery. I have noted the offers which the trade have now made of vigorous co-operation in stamping out malpractices. I have also taken into account the changes in the situation since this measure was first proposed, namely, the reduction of the lax to 25 per cent., the launching of an important prosecution, with others impending, and the registration of traders dealing in second-hand jewellery, who will be required to keep comprehensive records of their dealings in a farm satisfactory to the Customs.

In these circumstances, I have decided to suspend the proposed action, but to watch the situation closely. If substantial improvement is not reported to me I should have to reconsider my decision.