HC Deb 10 December 1958 vol 597 cc79-80W
127. Mr. Edward Evans

asked the Minister of Labour what steps he proposes to take to implement the provisions of the Trading Representations (Disabled Persons) Act which comes into operation on 1st January, 1959.

Mr. Wood

This Act affects traders who sell or solicit orders for goods by means of postal or door-to-door canvassing and who claim that their business provides employment or assistance for blind or other disabled persons. After 1st January, 1959, the making of such representations will be a punishable offence unless the trader concerned is registered with the Ministry of Labour and National Service under the Act. The Act does not apply to local authorities, to charities registered under the War Charities Act, 1940, or the National Assistance Act, 1948, to certain other non-profit making bodies or to substantially disabled persons dealing only in goods produced, prepared, packed or otherwise made ready for sale by their own labour.

Applicants are required by the Act to advertise in advance their intention to apply for registration. Applications received will be considered in accordance with the provisions of the Act, and the applicant will be told of the result as soon as possible. After the Act has come into force, members of the public and interested organisations will be able to find out from any Employment Exchange whether a particular trader is registered or not. Complaints about noncompliance with the Act will be investigated by my Department and any necessary action taken.

A number of steps have been taken to publicise the requirements of the Act and applications for registration are now being received. I should like to emphasise that anyone likely to be affected by the Act should, if he has not already done so, inquire without delay at any employment exchange, from which further information can be obtained.