HC Deb 13 March 1951 vol 485 cc140-1W
81. Mr. Geoffrey Lloyd

asked the President of the Board of Trade whether, in view of the recent further restriction of newsprint, he can arrange for an additional allocation, particularly to the provincial Press, during the period of the municipal elections.

Mr. Rhodes

In such cases it is customary for an application for additional supplies to be made to the Newsprint Rationing Committee. I understand that an application has now been lodged on behalf of the members of the Newspaper Society, which represents most of the provincial Press, but that it was only received yesterday. It will be considered by the Committee at their next meeting and I am sure that the Committee will wish to treat it sympathetically.

87. Mr. J. Rodgers

asked the President of the Board of Trade what progress has been made with regard to setting up an international commission to control newsprint supplies.

Mr. Bottomley

I assume that the reference is to the proposal to set up a Commodity Group for pulp and paper in Washington. I am at present unable to add anything to the reply which I gave to the hon. Member on 8th February. No decision has yet been taken.

88. Mr. J. Rodgers

asked the President of the Board of Trade whether any steps have yet been taken to reduce the export of newsprint from this country.

Mr. Bottomley

My right hon. Friend has taken no such steps, but he is keeping the position under constant review.