§ Mr. Bossomasked the Secretary of State for War what new arrangements have recently been made to enable British troops in Korea to be given welfare amenities more similar to those given to our American allies.
§ Mr. StracheyA number of steps have recently been taken to improve the amenities for the troops in this theatre. Additional welfare funds have been placed at the disposal of the Commander, British Commonwealth Forces, Korea, to meet his needs. Rest centres are being opened by individual units in the Inchon area and it is expected that extra vacancies will be available for officers and other ranks going on leave within Japan. Members of the Women's Voluntary Service have arrived in Japan and are now working in the clubs and canteens. Under present conditions it has been possible to bring N.A.A.F.I. bulk issue stores forward and so to improve the supply to units. Live entertainment is now being provided and steps are being taken to improve the existing cinema facilities. Action is also being taken to replace broadcasting sets damaged or lost in the recent operations.