§ 42. Mr. R. Harrisasked the Minister of Transport whether the compensation referred to in paragraph 18 of the Second Annual Report of the Transport Commission has yet been paid; and whether it is proposed to postpone further acquisitions until the money has been paid for those firms already acquired.
§ Mr. BarnesUp to 31st October, 1950, provisional ascertainments of compensation totalling £25,684,000, in respect of road haulage undertakings compulsorily transferred under Section 39 of the Transport Act, have been calculated, pending final ascertainment. With the retention of 10 per cent. in accordance with the Act, this leaves £23,116,000 now payable. Payments on account in cash and stock amounted to £22,413,362. The answer to the second part of the question is "No."
§ 43. Mr. R. Harrisasked the Minister of Transport how many of the road passenger undertakings referred to in paragraph 20 of the Second Annual Report of the Transport Commission have objected to the transfer of their undertakings to the British Transport Commission.
§ Mr. BarnesI understand that representations on the subject have been made to the Road Passenger Executive, but the time for making objections to me has not yet arrived.