HC Deb 08 November 1948 vol 457 c149W
Sir E. Graham-Little

asked the Minister of Food what is the present rate of extraction authorised for flour in the National Loaf; what are the ingredients, other than wheat, and their proportion in the present National Loaf; and what is the bread subsidy at present.

Mr. Strachey

National flour is of 85 per cent. extraction. The ingredients permitted to be used in National bread are those prescribed in the First Schedule to the Bread (Control and Maximum Prices) Order, 1947 (S.R. & O. No. 1867 of 1947), namely:

Substances other than National Flour which may be included in National Bread:

  • Imported flour.
  • Oils and fats.
  • Water.
  • Salt.
  • Yeast.
  • Improvers of the nature of yeast food.
  • Any acid or acidic substances suitable for regulating the acidity of the dough.
  • Potato and potato flour.
  • Barm.

The proportions are not prescribed.

National Flour contains wheat flour, calcium carbonate (creta praeparata) to the extent of 14 oz. per 280 lb. sack and such substances for the improvement of colour and keeping quality, as are ordinarily used by flour millers.

The total subsidy on bread, including the flour and baking subsidies and the acreage payment on home grown wheat, is about £63.7 million a year, or about 5¾d on each 3½ lb. loaf.