HC Deb 17 November 1947 vol 444 cc137-9W
95. Mr. Osborne

asked the Minister of Food if he is aware that a 20 acre seed potato crop at Oltley Top, near Market Rasen, has been sold for export to the Continent; and, in view of the poor potato harvest this year and the shortages for the home market, if he proposes to allow unrestricted exports.

Dr. E. Summerskill

Limited quantities of seed potatoes are regularly exported to countries from which considerably greater supplies of eating potatoes are later imported. Of the Otby Top crop only 15 tons of Royal Kidney potatoes, the produce of four acres, have been bought by my Department for export.

100. Mr. Baker White

asked the Minister of Food what is the destination of the 44,400 tons of potatoes exported in the nine months ended 30th September, 1947; and of the 2,250 tons exported in the month of September.

123. Major Beamish

asked the Minister of Food to what countries potatoes have been exported since 1st January this year, in what quantities, and what was the most recent date on which potatoes were exported from the United Kingdom.

Dr. Summerskill

Following is the information:

(a) Between 1st January and 31st August, 1947
Channel Islands 4,575
Denmark 3
Egypt 1,392
France 10,138
Gibraltar 390
Gold Coast 75
Greece (U.N.R.R.A.) 3,285
Iceland 85
Italy (U.N.R.R.A.) 1,542
Lebanon 104
Luxembourg 80
Nigeria 2
Portugal 1,542
St. Helena 20
Sierra Leone 118
South Africa 483
Spain 2,092
Spain (Canary Islands) 2,417
Switzerland 234
Services 13,585
Total at 31st August, 1947 42,162

(b) During September, 1947 Tons
Falkland Isles 1
Sudan 9
Services 2,240
Total September, 1947 2,250
Total from 1st January 30th September, 1947 44,412
(c) Between 1st October and 14th November, 1947
Channel Islands 151
France 2 240
Jamaica 1
Malta 701
Sierra Leone 100
Switzerland 371
Services 2,201
Total from 1st October to 14th November, 1947 5,765
Total for period 1st January, 1947. to 14th November 1947, 50, 177

NOTE.—The last shipment took place on 14tb November, 1947.

109. Squadron-Leader Fleming

asked the Minister of Food on what date was the last delivery of potatoes made to an ex-enemy country; and what was the quantity.

Dr. Summerskill

On 4th June, 1946, when 336 tons 7 cwts. were sent to Germany.

Sir W. Smithers

asked the Minister of Food why, in view of the potato shortage, permission was given for the entire crop of about 20 acres of potatoes, known as Royal Kidney variety, to be exported as seed to a Boston firm, from Oltley Top, near Market Rasen, by Messrs. George Mawer, Cooper and Burkitt.

Mr. Strachey

I would refer the hon. Member to the reply given to the hon. Member for Louth (Mr. Osborne) today.

Sir W. Smithers

asked the Minister of Food how many tons of potatoes have been exported from this country to Germany during the past four weeks; and why 10,000 tons left the London Docks on or about 3rd November.

Mr. Strachey

None. I have no information about 10,000 tons leaving London Docks on or about 3rd November.