HC Deb 12 December 1947 vol 445 cc258-9W
Mr. Parker

asked the Secretary of State for Commonwealth Relations what number of houses and flats, respectively, have been completed to date by the St. John's Housing Corporation and what programme is in hand; the numbers and names of town and rural district councils set up, to date, in Newfoundland and any places where they are likely to be set up in the near future; and the number of magistrates' districts in Newfoundland and the names of their administrative centres.

Mr. P. Noel-Baker

(a)St. John's Housing Corporation. The number of houses finished and occupied is 99. The number unfinished but reserved for purchasers is 13. One hundred and twenty-eight houses remain unfinished. In addition, there are 40 flats finished and occupied by tenants, and 52 flats unfinished but allocated in advance to applicants. The building programme for 1948 is now under discussion between the Newfoundland Government and the Corporation.

(b) Town Councils. Eleven town councils and three rural district councils have been established up to date. The town councils are at Windsor, Corner Brook West, Grand Bank, Harbour Grace, Saint Anthony, Wesleyville, Channel, Belleoram, Lewisporte, Fortune and Curling. The rural district councils are at Spring Dale—South Brook; Placentia; and Badger's Quay—Valleyfield—Pool's Island. Further town councils are likely to be incorporated shortly at Fogo, Corner Brook East, Carbonear, Englee, Freshwater and Harbour Breton. Preparatory work with a view to incorporation is being carried out at Saint Lawrence, Hawks Bay, Main Brook, New Town and Greens Pond.

(c) Magisterial Districts. There are 19 magisterial districts in Newfoundland outside St. John's. The names of the administrative centres are as follows: Corner Brook, Grand Falls, Saint Anthony, Grand Bank, Placentia, Bonavista, Holyrood (for Harbour Main), Harbour Breton, Channel, St. George's, Bonne Bay, Springdale, Greens Pond (temporarily Glover Town), Clarenville, Bell Island, Goose Air Port (for Labrador), Harbour Grace (for Carbonear), St. John (for Ferry-land) and Twillingate.