HC Deb 19 March 1946 vol 420 cc314-5W
Mr. Janner

asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer what is the present amount allocated by the University Grants Committee to each of the universities in Great Britain; what grants have been asked for by each of these universities in respect of the next financial year; and to what extent the University Grants Committee has met these requests.

Mr. Dalton

The grants to university institutions for the academic year 1945–6 are as shown in the following statement:

Recurrent Grants. Non-Recurrent Grants.
£ £
Birmingham University £187,500 £30,000
Bristol University (including Faculty of Engineering at Bristol Merchant Venturers'Technical College) 140,750 28,500
Cambridge University 268,500 21,000
Durham University, including the Durham Division and the Newcastle Division 173.350 87,500
Exeter University College 40,500 34.750
Hull University College 30,000 16,750
Leeds University 146,500 37,000
Leicester University College 12,000 7,500
Liverpool University 178,000 18,000
London University, including its Colleges and Schools 1,512,250 557.000
Manchester University 191,500 117,500
Manchester College of Technology 21,000
Nottingham University College 53,000 73,000
Oxford University 242,000 41.250
Reading University 59.500 43.300
Sheffield University 111,500 35,500
Southampton University College 37.50O 24,000
TOTAL ENGLAND 3.405.350 1,172,550
University of Wales, including Aberystwyth, Bangor, Cardiff and Swansea University Colleges and the Welsh National School of Medicine; 295,000 48,000
TOTAL WALES 295,000 48,000
Aberdeen University 105,000 34.500
Edinburgh University 195,300 14,200
Glasgow University 212,700 41,500
Glasgow Royal Technical College 27.750
St. Andrews University, including Dundee University College … 94,500 53.750
Total Scotland 635,250* 143.950
Grand Total, Great Britain 4.335.600 1,364.500
* Includes £30,000 payable to these Universities under the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1929.(19& 20 Geo. 5. c. 25.)
The estimates of the universities on which grants will be assessed for the academic financial year beginning next August are not yet in the hands of the UniversityGrants Committee.

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