HC Deb 14 February 1946 vol 419 c145W
Mr. Hale

asked the Minister of Labour whether his attention has been drawn to the recent decision of the umpire with reference to the reinstatement in civilian life of men who have service in the Police War Reserve, prior to enlistment in the Forces. and what steps he proposes to take to deal with this anomaly in the law.

Mr. Isaacs

The Reinstatement in Civil Employment Act places obligations on the last employer who employed a man within the period of four weeks before his war service began. I am afraid it would not be practicable to amend the law so as to transfer these obligations to earlier employers in order to meet the numerous cases where men left their normal employment to undertake essential work before their enlistment in the Forces.

Mr. A. Lewis

asked the Minister of Labour whether he will favourably consider amending the Reinstatement Acts in order that they shall apply to persons who were directed from their normal employment to other industries of wartime priority.

Mr. Isaacs

No, Sir. If the right to reinstatement were granted to persons directed to other employment, it could not reasonably be withheld from all persons who willingly left their jobs to undertake more essential work without requiring directions, and this would clearly be impracticable.

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