HC Deb 01 February 1945 vol 407 cc1649-50W
Sir H. Williams

asked the Minister of Labour whether he will consider introducing new methods of inspecting drawing offices which will not involve the private inquiries recommended in his Memorandum L.S., No. 8.

Mr. Bevin

No, Sir. If the hon. Member's reference to private inquiries relates to the discussion Inspectors are recommended to have with representatives of the workpeople, I can see no reason for any change. Such discussions are an important part of effective inspection.

Mr. Craik Henderson

asked the Minister of Labour how many inspectors are employed by him in inspecting drawing offices; what are their qualifications, experience and rate of pay; and whether such inspectors have the necessary technical qualifications to instruct firms in the conduct of their drawing offices.

Mr. Bevin

The reply to the first two parts of the Question is contained in the following table:

Labour Supply Inspectors engaged on Inspection of Drawing Offices.
One full-time Headquarters Technical Officer £950 per annum + bonus of £60 per annum.
Number of Inspectors in the Regions.
Full-rime. Part-time.
Grade I 22 20
Grade II 1 3
Annual Salary Ranges.
Grade I £550–£700 + bonus of £60 per annum
Grade II £400–£500 + bonus of £60 per annum
24 Inspectors had, before appointment to the Department, had considerable experience in Drawing Offices. The remainder have engineering experience and qualifications.

As regards the last part of the Question, the technical and other qualifications of the Inspectors and their experience in assessing minimum labour requirements in many different establishments enable them to give firms very useful advice on the organisation of their drawing offices. I am glad to say that some of my inspectors have received from managements expressions of warm appreciation of their advice, and one of them took part in the preparation of the booklet "Drawing, Office Organisation," published by the British Standards Institution for the guidance of managements.

Major C. Taylor

asked the Minister of Labour why, under Supplement No. 1 to L.S. Memorandum No. 8, the returns from individual draughtsmen are not made through the management; and why inspectors are encouraged, under the memorandum, to make their inspections of the drawing offices without the presence of the chief draughtsman.

Mr. Bevin

The returns in question are the personal records of individuals and it would not be right to require them to disclose to their employers all the personal information about themselves which the Department finds it necessary to ask for. As regards the last part of the Question, full consultation with the chief draughtsman is enjoined, but his attendance during the whole of the inspection is not necessary, and indeed, might result in some embarrassment to his subordinates whose work is being inspected and thus hinder the acquirement of facts.