HC Deb 23 August 1945 vol 413 cc846-7W
Sir R. Young

asked the Minister of Supply and of Aircraft Production if he has considered the complaints from tenants of married quarters, Longford, regarding the rents charged to them; that these rents are considered excessive in comparison with corporation houses with lower rents for better accommodation in amenities and quality; and whether it is intended to sell these houses to the Corporation of Warrington or other body at an early date.

Mr. Leonard

Representations by tenants of the married quarters at Longford, which have been made on three occasions in the last eighteen months, have been fully considered on each occasion. The rents charged were originally fixed on the recommendation of the District Valuer, based on the value of comparable unsubsidised property in the district, due allowance being made for any lack of amenities resulting from wartime construction. The neighbouring Corporation houses, which form the basis of comparison by the Ministry's tenants, were of pre-war construction built under the Housing Acts and in consequence eligible for substantial subsidy, which is favourably reflected in the rents charged. The future ownership of Longford and other Estates built to serve the Royal Ordnance Factory, Risley, is now under consideration.