HC Deb 02 March 1944 vol 397 c1591W
Mr. Wootton-Davies

asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer whether he can give an assurance that, before introducing his next Budget, he will consider in what ways taxation now stands in the way of the development of industrial research and technological progress; and will he consider taking steps to remedy the deficiency of our taxation system in this respect.

Number of Centres closed. Type of Centre. Reasons for closure.
103 British Restaurants Difficulties of management and/or insufficient trade to justify continuance. Three of these Restaurants have been taken over by Local Education Authorities for the feeding of school children.
9 Do. Premises not suitable or no longer available.
3 Do. Business transferred to other premises.
45 Cash and Carry Centres (i.e. supplying meals for consumption off the premises). Lack of public support.
18 Evacuee Centres (responsibility for which was transferred from Ministry of Health on 1st March, 1941). With the return of evacuated persons to their homes, the Centres were no longer necessary.
64 Meals Centres set up by London County Council. These Centres, established after heavy air raids, were not required when public utility services and normal catering facilities had been restored in some cases the equipment installed is being used for school feeding.
15 Emergency Centres opened by County Borough Councils of Plymouth and Sheffield.