HC Deb 23 September 1943 vol 392 c418W
Major Lyons

asked the Minister of Agriculture why the Emergency Powers (Defence) Onions (E. & W.) Order (S.R. & O., No. 1062 of 1943) prohibited the sowing of certain classes of onions more thickly than is usual in the respective districts of war agricultural executive committees; and how those who have not previously planted onions can ascertain what is the usual local practice?

Mr. Hudson

The object of this provision is to prevent the wasteful use of bulb onion seed—supplies of which are limited—for growing green onions. Certain recognised varieties of green onions, the names of which are given in the Order, may be sown thickly for pulling in a green state. Growers who are in any doubt as to the local practice in regard to the sowing of bulb onion seed should apply for advice to their county committees.