HC Deb 03 February 1943 vol 386 cc909-10W
Mr. Hannah

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Food whether, in view of potatoes being in better supply than flour, he will arrange to make potato-scones available for the whole island instead of their being confined to Scotland and the northern counties of England?

Mr. Mabane

Yes, Sir. By means of general propaganda, displays, the provision of recipes, the services of voluntary lecturer-demonstrators of whom 150 are now available, and other means, efforts are being made to popularise not merely potato scones but many other forms of potato confectionery throughout Britain. To-day from 12.30 p.m. onwards a display and demonstration for Members of Parliament has been arranged in Committee Room 8, and I hope hon. and right hon. Gentlemen will take this opportunity of seeing what is being done.

Mr. Price

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Food what steps are being taken to impress on restaurant and hotel keepers and clubs the necessity of encouraging the consumption of potatoes with meals by the public?

Mr. Mabane

A leaflet has been circulated to all restaurants, hotels, clubs and other catering establishments emphasising the necessity for encouraging the consumption of potatoes and other foods which save shipping space instead of bread. In addition a poster is being prepared for display in catering establishments urging patrons to choose dishes which contain such foods. Several other methods will be adopted from time to time to encourage the consumption of home produced instead of imported foods in catering establishments.

Sir W. Smithers

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Food whether, in view of the fact that officials of his Ministry are asking farmers to reserve potatoes well into this year, he will take into account the wet weather prevailing when they were lifted and the probability that unless careful selection is made of the clamps and the keeping qualities of the potatoes thus reserved many tons will rot and be lost as food supplies; and what action is he taking?

Mr. Mabane

All relevant conditions are taken into account at the time of inspection before potatoes are selected for delivery late in the season, and only suitable lots are purchased. The contract requires growers to notify the area potato supervisor at once of any signs of excessive deterioration whilst the potatoes remain in the clamps, so that steps can be taken to effect immediate clearance and avoid waste.