HC Deb 18 March 1942 vol 378 cc1532-3W
Colonel Mills

asked the Secretary of State for Air what is the present rate of billeting allowances where other ranks of the Royal Air Force are billeted with subsistence; and what provision is made in these allowances for meals, light and heat, &c; and whether he intends to review the rate to meet the rise in the cost of living since the rate was first fixed?

Captain Balfour

Following are the particulars of the rates payable to billetors for lodging and attendance, meals and certain extra services. The rates are kept under constant review. They are in line with those payable in respect of personnel of the Army and Navy and on the information before me I do not think that any further increase is justified at the present time.

Lodging and attendance—10d. a night for the first airman and 8d. a night for each additional airman.

Meals— Breakfast, 9d.Dinner, 1s. 2d. Tea, 3d. Supper, 5d.

In addition, the householder may claim for extra services within the following maximum amounts:—

Heating (October-May)—2s. 6d. a week per room for each room heated and actually ocupied as a billet.

Lighting—October-March: 6d. a week for each room occupied. April-September: 3d. a week for each room occupied.

Baths—4d. a bath.

Laundry of bedding—7d. a head a week.