HC Deb 10 November 1937 vol 328 cc1794-5W
Captain P. Macdonald

asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies, to what extent, if any, it is proposed to adopt the recommendations of the Committee on Colonial Broadcasting?

Mr. Ormsby-Gore

The report to which my hon. Friend refers was directed primarily to the question of ways and means of securing as rapidly as is practicable the fullest development of broadcasting as a factor in the life of Colonial communities, and gave expression to a number of general principles. In October, 1936, I forwarded copies of the report to Colonial Governments and commended to their attention these principles, with which I stated I was in complete agreement. The extent to which, and the period within which, it will be possible for Colonial Governments to apply these recommendations must naturally vary according to the circumstances of the territory concerned, but in a number of dependencies a considerable measure of effect has already been given to them and means of furthering them in other dependencies are being explored.