HC Deb 04 March 1936 vol 309 cc1410-2W

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Admiralty whether he will give particulars of the classes of certificates so far obtained in their various courses by the sub-lieutenants promoted from the lower deck in September, 1934; and whether he will consider instituting preliminary training in technical subjects for these officers on

Greenwich Course. Seamanship. Navigation. Gunnery. Torpedo.
1st Officer 3rd 1st 2nd 1st 1st
2nd Officer 2nd 1st 2nd 1st 1st
3rd Officer 2nd 2nd 2nd 1st 3rd
4th Officer 3rd 2nd 2nd 2nd 2nd
5th Officer 2nd 1st 2nd 1st 2nd

The extra term's instruction given at Greenwich to acting sub-lieutenants (ex-lower deck) and the qualifications needed for promotion to commissioned rank were designed to enable such officers to compete with acting sub-lieutenants (ex-cadet) on equal terms. The above results tend to prove that the aim has been achieved.


asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Admiralty whether it is now decided to abolish promotion to the rank of commander and engineer-commander for officers promoted from the lower deck; and, if not, why has the former practice of making two such promotions to commander and eight to engineer-commander every year been abandoned, seeing that only two such promotions to engineer-commander were made on 31st December last and no such promotion to commander has been made since June, 1934?


The Admiralty, in selecting officers for promotion, does not give preference to any particular class, although they have on occasions selected officers promoted from the lower deck at a lower seniority than officers ex-cadet owing to their greater age. There have recently been no executive lieutenant-commanders from the lower deck amongst those considered most suitable for promotion. The decrease in the number of lower deck engineer lieutenant-commanders recently promoted is due to the substantial decrease in the number of these officers in the zone for promotion.


asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Admiralty whether he will give the ages of the three officers

the lines of that provided for midshipmen?


Five ratings were promoted to acting sub-lieutenant in September, 1934. They have obtained the following classes of certificates in their examinations for the rank of lieutenant:

promoted from the lower deck to sub-lieutenant and sub-lieutenant (E) in. 1935, and the minimum ages at which cadets from Dartmouth and public schools reach these ranks?


The following table shows the ages at which ratings promoted to commissioned rank in 1935 will commence their seniority as sub-lieutenants and sub-lieutenants (E):

Sub-Lieutenant. Sub-Lieutenant (E)
21 years 7½ months. 22 years 6 months.
23 years 4½ months. 23 years 2½ months
24 years 4 months. 24 years 4 months.
The minimum and maximum ages at which Dartmouth and Special Entry cadets reach these ranks are as follows:
Minimum. Maximum.
Ex-Dartmouth. 20 years 5 months. 21 years 2 months.
Ex-Special Entry. 20 years 2 months. 22 years 0 months.