HC Deb 26 February 1931 vol 248 cc2297-8W

asked the First Lord of the Admiralty why it is necessary to maintain recruiting staff officers outside of the three home ports, Glasgow, and Manchester, in view of the fact that the London office has the final decision of entry?


Recruiting staff officers, Royal Navy and Royal Marines, are stationed at London, Birmingham, Bristol, Liverpool, Manchester, Newcastle-on-Tyne, and Southampton in charge of their respective recruiting districts. No recruiting staff officers, Royal Navy and Royal Marines are stationed at the three home ports, or at Glasgow. Owing to the present limited entry and the increasing demands for recruits of better education, it has become necessary—as a temporary measure—for the Director of Naval Recruiting to select the best candidates from those raised by the recruiting staff officers in the various districts. This procedure in no way diminishes the duties of the recruiting staff officers. The final decision as to entry rests with the respective officers commanding the final entry establishments.