HC Deb 19 May 1930 vol 239 cc45-6W

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs the result of the League of Nations Conference on the Codification of International Law, recently

amount paid to the United States Government in respect of the British War Debt. Figures for the last six financial years are given separately, but a single total is given for the earlier years, since the receipts from German Reparation before the Dawes Plan cannot conveniently be stated year by year owing to the accounting arrangements made. The receipts from the Dominions on account of War advances are published in the annual Finance Accounts but are not given in this statement, as they are not receipts from Inter-Allied debts which have to be reckoned as a set-off to our American payments under the Balfour Note.

held at The Hague, on the subject of nationality, territorial waters, and the responsibility of States for crimes committed within their territories; to what extent agreement was reached in each case; and whether any convention was signed on behalf of this country touching any of the subjects considered?


It would not be possible to compress within the limits of an answer to a Parliamentary question an account of the results of the Conference for the Codification of International Law, recently held at The Hague. The hon. Member will, however, find the conclusions of the Conference embodied in a number of documents issued by the League of Nations, copies of which have been placed in the Library of the House. The Convention and Protocols regarding nationality, the text of which appears in those documents, were signed by the Delegation of the United Kingdom.