HC Deb 12 May 1930 vol 238 c1455W

asked the Secretary of State for India how many officers of the Indian Army with the rank of substantive Colonel were sent home from India during the months of August, September, and October, 1918, pronounced as unfit for further service otherwise than by wounds, by medical boards in India; how many of these after arrival in this country were seen by the India Office medical board and invalided out, giving dates of being seen by the medical board and dates of invaliding out in each case; were there any cases where any of these officers were not invalided out of the service; if so, was the officer so situated placed on sick leave and given any reason for the change in procedure, or was he placed on the unemployed supernumerary list and so informed; were there any cases where an officer so invalided out of the service by a medical board in India was not informed what his invaliding disability was so as to enable him to obtain free treatment from the Ministry of Pensions; and were there any cases where an officer so invalided out was not informed that he was invalided out, but was allowed to remain on the unemployed supernumerary list without any knowledge of his condition?


I am finding out whether the details can be supplied without disproportionate labour, and will let the hon. Member know.