HC Deb 25 July 1930 vol 241 c2566W
Major GLYN

asked the Minister of Health to what extent, if at all, the consumption of fish as a normal food supply in the poorer districts of the country is increasing; and what steps are being taken by local authorities or Government Departments to advertise the advantages of fish diet and to improve conditions of supply in the large centres of population?


I have been asked to reply. I have no information concerning the consumption per head of fish in any particular district of the country, but the consumption per head of fish in Great Britain as a whole shows a tendency to increase. The advantages of a fish diet have not been advertised by local authorities, but advertisements concerning fish are issued and lectures and demonstrations are arranged by the Empire Marketing Board. An advertisement campaign with the object of increasing the demand for fish is also being conducted by the British Trawlers' Federation. Questions relating to the supply, marketing and distribution of fish come within the terms of reference of the Committee of the Economic Advisory Council which is inquiring into the fishing industry.