HC Deb 29 January 1930 vol 234 c1004W

asked the Secretary of State for War the number of men who have been granted pensions for pulmonary tuberculosis held to be attributable to the conditions of service during each of the last 10 yearn for which statistics are available; the number of such men who were refused pensions as being non-attributable; and the total number of men in receipt of such pensions at the latest convenient date?


As regards the first and second parts of the question, the subjoined table gives such figures as are available. As regards the last part of the question, I regret that the information could not be obtained without disproportionate labour.

take in order to prevent further loss of life and to preserve proper road communication between Seaford and the country west and north thereof?


My attention has been called to the matter. I understand that a meeting is being arranged between the county council and the Sea-ford Urban District Council with a view to the discussion of remedial measures. I have asked to be informed of the result of this meeting, and shall then be in a position to determine what action, if any, is desirable by my Department.