HC Deb 19 November 1928 vol 222 cc1400-1W

asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies how long it is since any vessel, naval or mercantile, called at the island of Tristan da Cunha; how recently the islanders received any mails; and whether it is intended to arrange for the sending of a ship of His Majesty's Navy there before Christmas?


The latest visit of which information has reached me is that of the s.s. "Author" (Harrison Line) which called at the island with mails and stores on 15th March, 1928. Negotiations are proceeding for the despatch from Cape Town of a merchant vessel with mails and supplies in January, 1929. I understand that the Canadian Pacific Railway Company's steamship "Duchess of Athol]," which is due to leave Liverpool on 4th January next, on a pleasure cruise, proposes to call at the island if weather permits.