HC Deb 09 November 1928 vol 222 cc372-3W

asked the Minister of Pensions whether he is aware that the West Ham area office is to be closed on 16th November and the whole of the records transferred to the City; whether he is aware of the protests from authoritative sources against this proposal, claiming many benefits to ex-service men of the West Ham area resulting from the fact of having medical and clerical advice and records of cases handy to the area; and whether he will give instructions that the proposed transfer be held up until he has received representations on the case from the pensions committee and Members of Parliament for the area?


I have already received and very fully considered representations on this matter from the West Ham War Pensions Committee. The concentration of records at the new office in the City Road will not, I am satisfied, be prejudicial in any way to ex-service men and their dependants. The new premises are actually nearer than the present office for about one-half of the men coming up for medical examination. Moreover, I may add for the information of the hon. Member that a part-time office will be open every week-day in West Ham at which pensioners and others resident in the neighbourhood who wish to make personal inquiries can do so.

England. Scotland. Total No. of days.
No. Net Receipts. No. Net Receipts.
£ £
Any Intoxicating Liquor 14,466 9,800 1,902 1,106 21,812
Beer only 176 70 4 2 288