HC Deb 09 November 1928 vol 222 c372W

asked the President of the Board of Education whether, in view of the fact that the Incorporated Sales Managers' Association has nine representatives upon the Advisory Committee on Salesmanship Training, he can see his way clear to advise the inclusion within the personnel of that Committee a representative of the National Union of Commercial Travellers or some equivalent body having knowledge of the effect of salesmanship training ventures upon the travelling profession and probably able to bring technical experience of a valuable kind to the question?


I am anxious that the Committee on Training Salesmanship should have the advantage of the assistance of the National Union of Commercial Travellers and other bodies with similar experience; but in view of the necessity of limiting the size of the Committee I think that, for the present, the views of these bodies can most conveniently be made available to the Committee in the form of evidence. I understand that the Committee are in correspondence with the organisations concerned.