§ Mr. WARDLAW-MILNEasked the Postmaster General, if he is aware that the present position of affairs in respect of telephone communication at Web-heath, Worcestershire, means that a subscriber would have to pay approxi- 1594W mately 1s. a day, plus the cost of calls, for the use of a private telephone; and whether under the circumstances and considering the increase of housing in the neighbourhood, he can see his way to establishing a trial exchange.
§ Viscount WOLMERFor a resident of Webheath living within two miles of the Redditch Telephone Exchange the annual rental would be £11 if the telephone were required for business purposes, and £9 10s. if the private residence rate were applicable. My right hon. Friend is prepared to establish an exchange to serve the neighbourhood as soon as the necessary support is forthcoming. The establishment of a trial exchange would involve the same amount of irrecoverable expenditure as for a permanent exchange, and I regret that the revenue prospects do not warrant this expenditure.