HC Deb 18 December 1928 vol 223 c2831W

asked the Minister of Labour the number of employés in the cocoa, chocolate and sugar confectionery trade in July, 1928, with the number of unemployed from that industry in July and November, 1928, respectively?


The following Table shows the number of insured persons aged 16 to 64 years in Great Britain classified as belonging to the cocoa, chocolate, and sugar confectionery industry at July, 1928, and the number of

INSURED PERSONS in Great Britain, aged 16 to 64, classified as belonging to the brick, pipe, tile (not glazed tiles) and fireclay industry.
Estimated number of Insured Persons at July, 1928. Insured Persons unemployed.
22nd October, 1928. 26th November, 1928.
Men 67,490 8,691 9,596
Boys 5,620 340 359
Women 6,320 932 929
Girls 660 34 38
Total 80,090 9,997 10,922

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