§ Mr. BARCLAY HARVEYasked the Minister of Transport what are the total number of private motor cars, motor chars-a-banc, and commercial motor vehicles registered in England and Wales and Scotland, respectively, according to the latest available returns?
§ Mr. GOSLINGInformation is not available exactly in the form asked for in the question. A statement, of which. I am sending the hon. Member a copy, was issued to the Press on 8th February, 1924, showing the gross proceeds of taxation, under each of the various taxation categories, for the calendar year, 1923.
Mr. HARVEYfurther asked the Minister of Transport what is the amount collected by motor car licences from England and Wales and Scotland, respectively, during the last financial year; and what are the total amounts 463W given from the Road Fund to each county during that period in the ordinary way, by way of special grants to necessitous areas, and by way of grants for works undertaken for the relief of unemployment?
§ Mr. GOSLINGThe figures for the last financial year are still subject to adjustment, but the gross collections on account of motor licence duties for the year were approximately as follow:
Certain prior statutory charges have to be deducted from the gross revenue to arrive at the sum available for distribution in grants. The amounts given in grants from the Road Fund, county by county, will appear in due course in the Annual Report on the Administration of the Road Fund.
England and Wales … £13,408,000 Scotland … 1,297,000