HC Deb 12 March 1924 vol 170 cc2369-70W

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Admiralty how many ships of His Majesty's Navy are at present victualled by the general messing system; is it the intention of the Admiralty to introduce the general messing system in all new ships as they are brought into commission; and, if so, will he make a statement as to the precise organisation contemplated, with special reference to the relative duties and responsibilities of the various branches which may be concerned in the management and success of the scheme?


Seven of His Majesty's ships in active commission are at present on the general messing system, and it is the intention to introduce the system in those new ships where conditions admit of its introduction, cither wholly or in a modified form. The relative duties and responsibilities of the various branches concerned are not affected fundamentally by the general messing system, which has been in use in certain shore establishments for a number of years.

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