HC Deb 10 March 1924 vol 170 cc1961-2W

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs if he is aware that the Government of the Union of South Africa returned the property of ex-enemies in 1920, and that a Bill supported by both political parties is now before the United States Senate providing for a full return of such property; that, owing to the financial incapacity of ex-enemy Governments to indemnify their subjects for loss of money or property seized by ex-enemies, great hardship has been inflicted upon many people; and will His Majesty's Government consider the possibility of having the whole subject reexamined in the light of circumstances which were not contemplated when the original policy was sanctioned?


As regards the first part of the question I do not think the action taken in South Africa is quite as suggested in my hon. Friend's question, and I have not heard of any Bill at present before the United States Senate. As to the second and third parts, I would refer my hon. Friend to the Report recently issued by Lord Blanesburgh's Committee (Cmd. 2046), the recommendations of which, as stated in a Note on page 3, the Board of Trade have decided to accept.