HC Deb 31 July 1924 vol 176 c2269W

asked the Minister of Pensions whether he is aware that the educational allowance of 15 guineas for fees and £5 for expenses, granted in 1922 to Mrs. G. E. Pedrick, widow of Lieutenant A. G. Pedrick, R.N., which was granted in respect of her son Peter, was reduced on 1st March, 1923, to 12 guineas fees and £5 for expenses, and that, on an educational grant being made in respect of her younger son amounting to five guineas per annum for fees and £5 for expenses, the grant in respect of Peter was further reduced to £10 5s., inclusive of fees and expenses; and whether he will state the grounds on which these reductions were made?


The only reduction in the assistance given to Mrs. Pedrick in respect of the expenses of her sons' education was that of the 1st March, 1923, to which the hon. and gallant Member refers. The reduction was made because, on a change of school, the fees payable were reduced from £15 15s. per annum to £12 12s. per annum. The grant at present in issue is at the rate of £25 4s. per annum, which is in excess of the amount at any time payable under previous awards.