HC Deb 22 July 1924 vol 176 cc1134-5W

asked the President of the Board of Education whether, beyond mere general encouragement of the project, his Department is taking any specific steps to investigate and, if possible, to remove the practical difficulties which lie in the way of an exchange of teachers between different countries and in particular within the Empire; and, if so, what steps have to date been taken?


The interchange of teachers within the Empire was discussed at the Imperial Education Conference last year, and a scheme of interchange was recommended for the consideration of the different Governments concerned. This scheme has been communicated to those Governments and I am now awaiting their replies. I am glad to say that certain difficulties which previously impeded the free interchange of teachers have been removed, and the Board are able to recognise the service of an English teacher during the year of interchange for the purpose of salary incre- ments and, if the new scheme is adopted, under the School Teachers (Superannuation) Acts. I am also sending to the hon. Gentleman a copy of the reply I gave on the 25th June last to the hon. Member for Lincoln (Mr. A. T. Davies), which contains certain further information which may be of interest to him.