HC Deb 11 April 1922 vol 153 c246W
Major GLYN

asked the Secretary of State for War what use is to be made of the barracks in Gibraltar, Malta, and other stations where in future a reduced number of battalions is to be maintained; whether, in the event of these barracks being used for other than Imperial military purposes, their upkeep and maintenance will be charged to the account of the Army; and, where barracks are no longer required for military purposes and are disposed of by public sale, the price obtained will be credited to the War Office Estimate for the improvement of existing and necessary barrack accommodation?


I am not yet in a position to answer the first part of the question. The answer to the second part is in the negative. In regard to the third part, normally the proceeds of any such sales would be credited to Army Estimates, but it would not follow that the funds provided for improving other existing accommodation would be correspondingly increased.