HC Deb 23 November 1920 vol 135 c245W

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Agriculture, if he is aware that for a piece of land in Buckingham Palace Road, £4,000 a year is paid as ground rent and £395 as old rent, and the leaseholder has to hand over at the end of the lease a building which cost him £50,000, and pays all the rates; whether he is aware that it cost £50,000 to get the lease renewed; and whether, in view of the discontent among the working classes caused by such incidents, he will bring in a Bill to nationalise such lands and use the money realised for pensions for soldiers and sailors, some of whom have to live on the local rates?

ACREAGE of Arable Land and Permanent Grass in Great Britain in the years 1913 to 1920.
Year. Arable land. Permanent grass. Total Acreage under crops and grass.
Acres. Acres. Acres.
1913 14,360,187 17,567,114 31,927,301
1914 14,293,741 17,608,444 31,900,185
1915 14,255,609 17,578,888 31,834,497
1916 14,354,842 17,494,748 31,849,590
1917 14,606,668 17,251,136 31,857,804
1918 15,852,135 15,896,478 31,748,613
1919 15,717,355 15,782,073 31,499,428
1920٭ 15,396,140 15,862,710 31,258,850
٭ Figures for 1920 are subject to slight revision.

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