HC Deb 29 March 1920 vol 127 cc915-6W
Sir J. D. REES

asked the Under-Secretary of State for the Colonies whether an export duty of 2d. per lb. has been imposed by the local Legislature upon tobacco exported from Nyasaland; and, if so, whether a policy so opposed to that previously existing in respect of young industries within the Empire has the support of the Secretary of State?

Lieut.-Colonel AMERY

The export duty of 2d. per lb. on tobacco imposed by the Legislature of Nyasaland is subject to a rebate of 50 per cent. wherebonâ-fide cultivators have produced and exported not more than five tons. No alteration of policy in respect of young industries is involved, but it is essential that additional revenue shall be raised, and the different sections of the community must expect to contribute according to their ability.