§ Mr. J. ROBERTSONasked the Home Secretary (1) if he is aware that the mines rescue brigades in Scotland, because of a wages dispute with the Scottish coalowners, have been on strike for some months past, and that in consequence of this strike the provisions of the Mines Act with regard to rescue work is not being carried out; if he intends to take any steps to bring this strike to an end;
(2) if he is aware that the strike of the rescue brigades at the Scottish mines has been brought about by the refusal of the coalowners to discuss the men's claim for an advance in wages with the representatives of the union of which they are members, and what action he is taking to secure that the rescue work shall not meanwhile be interfered with?
§ Mr. SHORTTI am aware that the members of several Central Rescue Corps in Scotland have been on strike for the past two months, but I am informed that arrangements have been made for trained volunteers at the mines to carry out rescue work in the event of the Central Rescue Corps not being available in case of necessity. The dispute is receiving the attention of the Controller of Coal Mines, who has, as the hon. Member knows, discussed the matter with both parties. As at present advised, I see no ground for intervention on my part.