HC Deb 04 November 1919 vol 120 c1333W

asked the Minister of Pensions if he will reinvestigate the case of D. Clough, late private, No. 5475, Yorkshire Regiment, who is now suffering from tuberculosis, which it has been decided is neither caused nor aggravated by military service; if he is aware that this man, who had only fifty-one days' service, has had a gratuity awarded him of £52, that he has also received sanatorium treatment, and that the man was ill when called up for service, so much so that the Director-General of Medical Services is of opinion that lie should not have been accepted; and that he is now totally and permanently incapacitated from following any employment?


The facts are substantially as stated, and it was in recognition of this that the gratuity of £52 was awarded. The Pensions Appeal Tribunal, after full consideration of all the evidence in the case, unanimously decided that the disability had been neither caused nor aggravated by military service. This decision must be regarded as final.